What we do.
4K Video Production
We do this.
Depending on your needs, we can scale out a full crew and multiple cameras for high-end delivery, or simply run-n-film a one-person crew for quick distribution.
It’s fun to brainstorm for your specific projects.
We eat, breathe, and dream in video for you.
Social Media & Internet
We do this, too. In fact, we can do any geometric video shape like horizontal (Youtube), vertical (Instagram stories) or square (Instagram). Circle is just plain weird, but we can pull it off (I’m looking your way spherical 360s). Polygons are right out. We deliver to the client’s specific needs.
Branded Content
We do this very well. Integrating product into entertainment is never easy, but by using techniques honed from experience, 6161 can indirectly raise brand awareness with content that is fun, targeted and flat out cool. We have a vast pool of Hollywood-level talent to draw from, both in front of and behind the camera. These elite level artisans bring their craft to 6161 productions, and we pass it on to you.